I am nearly done with lab 3B however I feel like I am missing one aspect. The email history is not showing up.
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Yeah, it looks like your auto-response rule isn't kicking in. This could be due to not checking the Active checkbox on it. Or it could be due to getting the rule criteria about Bay Area Location and Investment Potential wrong so that Miles didn't meet both criteria. Or it could be that that Bay Area Location and Investment Potential you entered for Miles weren't right so that's why didn't meet the criteria and trigger the rule.
Go to Setup and do Step 71 to see your auto-response rule and make sure Active is checked. If not, check it. And if that wasn't the problem, open the rule and make sure the criteria are right or fix them if they're wrong. And if those weren't the problem. then delete Miles as a lead and add him again, making sure you get the Bay Area Location and Investment Potential correct (right number of zeros, etc.).
Let me know, ok?