when I refresh my page, I don't see "Email: Thank you for your inquiry”
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Ok, so I just took a look at this and it works fine but I think the problem happened when you crated the Miles Dyson lead, using the web2lead form. It shows you created the lead at 10:48pm. Then it shows you edited the Miles Dyson lead 9 minutes later, at 10:57pm. It looks correct not, but I think when you entered the data on the form, at 10:45, you used a bad email address and the auto-response email failed to send when you clicked Submit. Then you edited the Miles Dyson data to make the email address correct (as it is now), but that doesn't make the autor-response rule get triggered again so it didn't send him the email and didn't list is as a completed activity.
To make it look correct now, just go into Marketing > Leads and find Miles Dyson and delete the lead. Then redo the steps, starting at Step 130 and it will work.
Ok, I will log in and check now
Probably the settings for your Auto-response Rule aren't right. These are what you set in Steps 71-88 and they should look exactly like the diagram after Step 88. So go back to the Auto-response Rule, according to Step 71, and change whatever you need to to make it look just like the diagram. Maybe you put in $15,000 instead of $150,000?