When I enter the field as "Whold", it says the value isn't valid and I can't continue to type in the Value . And suggests me to keep the field as Name ID instead. Also, in previous steps, I can't type in field with normal text like "Priority", flow builder makes it in blue boxes. What do I do?
Image Number 2 is the standard format:
Ok, so you have an outdated version of the instructions. Salesforce updated the software back in October and we issued a new version of the instructions but you've been given an old one. I need to know who your instructor is and which school you're at so I can alert them ASAP before all your classmates run into the same problem. Please email me as soon as you can at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com. Thanks!
In the meantime, just cancel out of making that flow and start it again. Here's a link to the new version. If you could share that with your classmates via class Discord or whatever that would be great. Thanks!