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Sure, np. Actually, you won't really want "Today's Leads" anymore since you created those leads today but you'll be trying this tomorrow - the lead you created today wouldn't show up tomorrow in "Today's Leads". But you can create a new list view of leads with a filter of today's date and that will show just the one you added today.
Just get to where you view the leads and then click the tiny gear toward the right. Then select New and give whatever name of that view you want and click Save.
Then to add the filter, click the funnel icon on the far right.
Then the Filters box appears there. Near the bottom, click on the blue Add Filter.
Then in the form box that pops open, under Field, use the pull-down menu to select Created Date. Leave the Operator slot as "equals". For the Value slot, fill in the date you added that lead record that you want to see in the list.
Click Done and then click the blue Save button to commit the filter and you should see just the lead(s) that you created on that date.
If you really want to make it look exactly like the instructions, you could delete the other 3 leads - you don't need them anymore,.
It's ok to see other leads. It's because you did 3a today so you added them today. The screencap in the instructions shows how it would look if you did 3b a different day from 3b. It's ok. It shows the one you needed to show - the one you added by API, so it's fine!
I followed this but it didn't work. I'm getting other leads when I filter today's date still!