I made Flow and I made own URL. I supposed to get API notification on Today's Lead. However, I got Email from salesfore support center. It said, "Salesforce could not create this lead because of the reason listed below. We will try creating the lead again. For more information about this error or help with Web-to-Lead, please contact Customer Support.
Reason: Your Lead could not be processed.
This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type: 00Q3x00001xXoIzEAK. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. Error ID: 292289217-71106 (-851081183)
Lead Capture Page: Not available."
However, I could not find the ExceptionCode, and I'm struggling solve the problem.

What am I wrong?
Yes, that happens if you made a mistake when creating your flow. Check the Help FAQ here at Max's Place to find that issue and the solution (basically you will need to delete the flow and recreate it but it takes some special steps to do that).
You will find it in the Help FAQ as:
"Step 117: When I hit Enter/Return with that long API string in my browser, I get emails from SF saying I have an error related to my Flow"