and it says no items to display. What do I do
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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You might have to start at Step 89 and go from there to 103 and then do 105 and 106. You just need your OID and the URL that starts with https://webto.salesforce... from that chunk of HTML code but you adjust it using those steps so it adds the lead for you.
No! Just redo 99-103 and then 105 and 106 to see the result.
Chances are you had a typo when you did Step 102. It has to be exactly correct, down to every single character. Before you try again, though, continue with the steps down to 120 (Mac) or 129 (Windows) and pause there. That way you can paste the HTML code you have copied right now before you wipe it out copying the Step 120 command parts again, ok?
Then, you can try 120 again but make sure you get every character correct and then it will work and THEN pick up again with Step 130.
Let me know, ok?