Where is the applications folder? I'm confused where to locate the folder. I don't see the magnifying glass either.
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Sure, np!
ohh ok. It was't very specific. Thank you for clarifying.
No it's not part of Salesforce. TextEdit is an application on your laptop. It was there before you ever started using Salesforce. It's here on the system menu bar on my MacBook Pro:
Or you can use the Finder to find the file called TextEdit just like you would use it to find any other file on your Mac:
It's an application you run on your Mac just like Safari or Chrome or Excel or Word, etc. You just have to find it and open it. Then use it to create your HTML file.
This one? This is the only magnifying glass I see.
I think I had something under Leads I don't know why it is deleted.
You're using a Mac, right? Those instructions are for Mac users. If you are using a Windows computer, there are other instructions there, if you read carefully.
If you're using Mac, you can just search for the file "TextEdit" like you would search for any other file. Or the feature called Spotlight that Mac users use to find anything. You get to it by clicking the magnifying glass on the top right in the menu bar.