I cannot get updated information in the Salesforce website for the Miles Dyson lead once i submit the form i made from the .html information. The lack of information makes the 4th screen capture for 3B not complete with all the information. My account is opened to a salesforce admin due to my last question posted in the 3A forum. In addition, I was sent an error email from sales force instead of the two you should get for having completed the form information and the thank you email. This may be holding the information back from being complete in my account. That email says...
Salesforce could not create this lead because of the reason listed below. For more information about this error or help with Web-to-Lead, please contact Customer Support.
Reason: Use one of these records?
Lead Capture Page: Not available.
Record Information:
00N4T000005HzBn = No
00N4T000005HzBs = 78000
company = Cyberdyne
encoding = UTF-8
encoding = UTF-8
first_name = Miles
last_name = Dyson
mobile = 2153134341
oid = 00D4T000000Eb6Z
retURL = http://www.signingsavvy.com/ sign/THANK%20YOU/426/1
submit = Submit
To incorporate this lead into salesforce.com you can key in the data above.
If you have any questions, please click on Support at the top right of any page within salesforce.com.
Customer Support
Note- my information for the 4th screen capture shows this (below) currently, where I need more information listed under the "Upcoming & Overdue" section concerning the email piece.
Then delete the Myles Dyson lead record and then try the html form again to add him. If you have Steps 71-88 correct, it'll trigger the auto-response email and you'll see it appear under Activities for Myles.