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How do I edit the original template in order to change 'product interest' to 'investment potential'?
(Product interest was the closest option)
Yes I originally named it product interest, I believe. Then I went back and re-did steps 25-29..
Ok, sure, np but are you saying you named the new field something else? The grader will be confused if the name isn't close to "Investment Potential". You can edit the name but you have to edit BOTH the Field Name and the Field Label and the Field Label can't have spaces, like between "Investment" and "Potential". You have to use an underscore between them instead.
Anyway, don't make a new template - that will confuse the grade too. Just edit the template you made already and add the Investment Potential part of the rules in to that one, ok?
Hi sir, thanks for the quick response. I re-did steps 25-29 and it seems to have worked. I had proceeded before, with another custom name. Do I need to delete that or can I just continue on from after step 29 and create another new template?
Yeah, so either you skipped over Steps 25-29 where you create that field in the Lead object or you clicked thru too quickly on the Next, Next, Save part so those pages you were skipping didn't get a chance to execute their code and make the field accessible.
Go to Setup > Object Manager > Lead > Fields & Relationships and see if Investment Potential shows up there. If not you just need to add it by clicking New and following Steps 25-29. If it IS already there, just delete it and add it again by clicking New and following those same steps but be sure to click thru slowing on the Next, Next part so those pages get to fully load and do their code, ok?