In the final print screen, it showed me an error. It says my email is not valid and needs to be updated. However, I have received the email from the final print screen. I do not know why. Please help me. Thanks!
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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It may have bounced initially for some reason and then gone through after that and Salesforce hasn't updated yet to show the address is valid after all. This should not affect your score or your Lab 3a work, but if you want to try to clear it, then first just try going back and looking again now, reloading the page, to see if it has updated. If not, then you can delete the Kyle Reese lead record and add it again, using those same steps, and see if it works better this time. If you still have a problem then, try deleting him again and this time, use a different email address for him - like make a new Gmail address just for that - and when you add him then, it should work after that.
Let me know, ok?