My emails are not coming in separately. I am getting one e mail with three attachments inside. It does not match up with the picture. I came to office hours on Monday 5/2/22 at 4:30. Namita Deshpande helped me to edit the leads to resend the emails but there was no change. We were unable to resolve the problem. Please help.
Thank you,
Jonathan M.

Awesome, Jonathan! Great to hear it!
I finished the lab with 100 percent. Thank you.
Thank you very much for the great help. I appreciate it. Those are quite a few oversights you pointed out.
Ok, so I checked out your account and first, what you are seeing in Gmail is not one email with 3 attachments. That is 3 emails but Gmail has a setting where it groups together separate messages when they have the same subject like these 3 do and it calls those groups - conversations. That is a setting in Gmail. You can turn on or off Conversation mode. If it's off then you see every email as a separate item. It's just the way they display it to you. These are still 3 separate emails and you can click on any one of them to see them as as individual message.
Ok, but still they are not right because for some reason when you were creating the leads, Sarah Connor, Kyle Reese and John Connor, you selected "Yes" for the Bay Area location for each one. That's why they all have that same subject. Step 107 says to select NO for Sarah Connor and Step 115 says to select "No" for Kyle Reese but you selected Yes in both cases, as well as John Connor. Only John Connor was supposed to be Yes for Bay Area Location.
You need to delete all 3 leads and then add them again, following the steps correctly this time and you will get the 3 different emails, even if some are grouped together in Gmail by Conversation mode, ok?
Last thing - in each template, you were supposed to include {!Lead.FirstName} {!Lead.LastName} as the markers for names but for two of your templates you put:
{!Lead.FirstName} {!Lead.FirstName}
so that's why they are showing up as "Kyle Kyle" or "John John" in the emails. If you want to fix that go back into those two templates, edit & fix and save them and then re-add the leads.
Note: Computers are very picky. To avoid problems, you have to really pay close attention and follow every step exactly and then it will all go smoothly!
Ok, do these 3 steps so I can access your account and I'll take a look. Let me know when you've done them, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
On the left, under My Personal Information, click Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save