Despite having included the email addresses and followed all the steps, the email addresses for step 129 are not appearing within the emails being sent. All it says is:
"Riley, this one is from the Bay Area. Investment level is $110,000.
The name is John Conner.
Email address is:
Check 'em out!"
No email address is appearing after is says "Email address is:". This same problem is occuring for all 3 email addresses being sent.
What do I do? Please help.
If you look in the screencap you posted, it shows "Contact.Email" but it is supposed to be "Lead.Email". If you go to the templates and edit each one and change "Contact" to "Lead" and save, then you can add the leads again and they will trigger emails that have the email addresses shown properly.
Hello Dr. Tim I am also having this same issue I went back and edited my 3 email address place holders to be included but they just aren't showing up for me. I included a screen shot I copy and pasted the place holder for all three but I still cant get the email address to show.
Awesome! Glad to hear it. Happy to help. :)
Ah, ok. It's probably that Riley’s email is invalid or you need to change it for whatever reason, just go back to Setup > Administration > Users > Users, like you did before and then click Riley and click Edit and then:
In the Email slot, change the email address to a valid, non-Yahoo (preferably Gmail) address that you can check for Riley’s messages about John Conner and Sarah Conner and click Save (but the change won’t show up yet)
Now log into the email account for the new address that you just replaced for Riley because Salesforce just sent “her” a message to confirm the change
In the Salesforce email that was just sent to Riley, click the link to confirm the new email address is valid. The change in Salesforce will not be updated until you do this!
Now you should be able to get all three email messages but you need to get Salesforce to send them again so repeat Steps 102-129. Now all three messages should be waiting for you in the inboxe(s) for your account & Riley’s!
No Sir it’s like I should have received three emails as they say but me I just received one.
Ok so you mean you're receiving the two other emails but those two don't contain the actual email address at all - just the other text but the actual address is missing. Is that accurate?
Hi, for me it's like when I received the email it was just like
Hey me, This is one's yours.
The name is Kyle Reese.
Email address is:
Get on it!
but after that I don't see the two others email
Awesome. I’m glad. Thanks for letting me know.
Awesome! You’re welcome!
So from what. you're describing I would guess that when you created the first of the 3 templates, you typed the email placeholder instead of copying/pasting it and you probably made a typo so that it doesn't work. Then you cloned that template to make the other two and the mistake got carried over to them. Just go back and open them all and edit each one to fix the email placeholder and make it exactly like shown in the instructions. Then add the 3 leads again like before and you should get the corrected emails.