When I get to step 85 it says to add field 'Lead: Bay Area Location' but it is there. What should I do?
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Thank you. it worked!
Ok thank you. I will give that I try
I think you mean it says to click on it, not to add it. And I think you mean it's NOT there rather than it IS there.
Assuming those are both true, then you either didn't do Steps 15-24 where you add the Bay Area Location field to the Lead object, or you forgot to do the Save in Step 24 or you added it to the wrong object - something other than Lead.
I would say just cancel out of where you were with Step 85 and go back and do Steps 15-24 now, being sure to add the field to Lead. But just click Save rather than Save & New in Step 24.
Then do Setup and start up again with Step 71 and Bay Area Location should show up this time.