I have already read the rest of the answers for this question but none to yet has helped me. When I press NEXT it says “you need the map that requires field pitch” and “you need to map the required field Meeting Date.”
The picture is what is showing in my data as of right now. Can someone please break this down step by step what I should do? Thanks!

very helpful thank you
Well better to go back and correct the spelling. Just go to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting and click on Fields & Relationships. Then click on Contract Name and then fix both the Field Label (what is displayed for humans to see) and ALSO the Field Name (which is what Salesforce's code uses internally. But the Field Name can't have spaces so it uses underscores instead like "Contact_Name". Once you've fixed those, click Save and then when you import, it should all be clean and work without errors.
ohh thank you so much. all that is unmapped now is contact name.. should i select contract name even though i spelt it wrong? i do not know how to change this. thanks
You're trying to import the file of Pitch data from Lab 1b into the Meeting object during Lab 2b. You need to be importing MaxsMeetingDataFile now (NOT MaxsPitchDataFile)