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Yeah, so the reason Comments wasn't showing up is because you never added that field. You must have just skipped Step 75 in 2a.
And yeah, you never went past like Step 80-something so that's why those Meeting records aren't there.
If you wnat to make 2b work you would need to go back and add Comments to Meeting first. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting and then Fields & . Relationships and then New and then do Step 75 of 2a.
Then, you would need to start 2a at Step 91 and finish it.
Then, you can go back to 2b but your Meeting IDs will be off so whever it says "Mgt-07", for you it would be "Mtg-04". So you just subtract 4 in your head and it will still work.
Good news is that 3a is a fresh start so no matter how messed up your account is, it won't keep you from doing 3a properly. But 3b does depend on 3a so make sure you get 3a right and you don't skip steps, etc. If you take your time and read and follow steps correctly, you get 100% and don't waste tons of time later trygin to fix stuff, ok?
Did you find it?
Ok, well, you would have added the 10/7/2019 record at the end of Lab 2a. Did you completed Lab 2a?