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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Awesome! You're welcome. Good work!
Got it! Thank you so much!
Ok, first go to your Meetings tab and view the All Meeting Data listview to see all the Meeting records. Figure out which one has 9/30/2019 as the date but NOT the one that you changed (Mtg-08), the one that started out with the 9/30/19 date. THAT is the one she is supposed to be connected to.
Then, open her Meeting Attendance record so you can edit it and click on the Mtg-08 so you can change it and set it to the Meeting ID of the record you found as the original 9/30/19 record (because that is connected to P-004, the Smart Technology pitch). Then save the edit.
Let me know, ok?
How do I connect her then? Is there a step I should be repeating ?
No it's not that the meeting date was wrong. It's that you had Anu connected to the wrong meeting - not the 9/30/2019 meeting, because your Meeting IDs are off. Your Mtg-08 was NOT the 9/30/2019 meeting that's connected to the Smart Technology pitch (P-004). You need to connect her to the meeting that originally said "9/30/2019" because that is the meeting that goes with the Smart Technology Pitch that has the Mountain View address.
My meeting date was wrong so I changed it to 9/30/2019. But I'm still confused on how to change the address. I followed those 3 steps you told me to.
Yeah, good instinct. You're probably right. Now think through it logically - check your Pitch records to make sure the one that Anu goes with has an address that contains "Mountain View". (Probably). Ok, then note the Pitch ID. It that the one that goes with the Meeting that Anu's attendance record ties her to? If your Meeting IDs got off by just 1 somehow, then maybe you got Anu connected to a Meeting that was not really hers - not with the right Pitch so it's seeing a different address? Look at Step 131. Is your Mtg-08 record really the the 9/30/19 meeting?
You can edit Anu's Meeting Attendance record to connect to the right Meeting record if you need to. Give it a try and let me know. If you're still stuck, do these 3 steps and let me know when you're done and I'll access your account and take a look, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
Click My Personal Information (upper left) and then Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save