Hi, as I delete the julia data by mistake, I created another mtg including the julia information, which is mtg 15 16 17 and follow the steps. However, when I came to step 128, i found something different from the guide. The sample pic shows the correct address matched with mtg15 (should be mtg-01, but I recreate it into mtg15) ->pitch 12. However, I don't know why my address shows something I have never seen before. Also, when I click on the details, I can see that it was connected with mtg 15 and pitch 12...Need help, THANKS!!!
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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It sounds like you were correctly compensating for the deleted record, but you're right, the Address field is very weird. Not sure how you got that. I think you made a mistake when you created the Address field. I suggest you delete the Address field and recreate it again by going to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting Attendance > Fields & Relationships and delete Address and click New and then follow Steps 104-116 carefully.