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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Oh, good. I'm glad. Happy to help. Feel better soon.
It worked! Thanks!
Ah, got you. Sorry to hear that. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Ok, so here's what to do. Go to your Meetings tab in the Marketing app, Open Mtg-02 and clone it so you create a Mtg-03 with the same data values. Then your Mtg-03 will be correct.
Then go back to the Mtg-02 record and fix the values to be like it says in 2a: Steps 103-106. Then Mtg-02 will be correct and you should be able to get the correct screencap at the bottom of 2a now.
As for the issue with Contact Name, it was there but the visibility got turned off so it couldn't be displayed or imported into. This happens when you click through the screens too fast while creating a field. That's why the instructions say to click thru them slowly to let every page load. (One of the screens you click past, when you click Next, Next & Save is loading logic that turns visibility on - if you go to fast, it can't load and finish it's job so visibility is set to off,.)
Anyway, I turned it back on for you so it will work now. All set.
No! But you do need to follow every instruction of each lab exactly if you want them to work so be sure you don't skip any going forward.
Ok, so now you can just make a fix to get the bottom of 2a correct. Hang on and I will tell you how next.
Well first - it looks like you skipped a bunch of steps in 2a because you only have two Meeting records. You have what was supposed to be the 1st and the 3rd but you're missing the 2nd one. This should have shown up in the screencap at the end of 2a. You must have had only 2 Meeting records showing instead of 3, like the diagram in the instructions, right?
I can't get in. I thought you did those 3 steps before? Well, do them now so I can get in:
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
Click My Personal Information (upper left) and then Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save
Let me go into your account and check.
I'm in the new custom fields page and Contact Name is not appearing. I'm guessing that is where I must add it.
Well, maybe you skipped step 76 of Lab 2a? That was when you were supposed to add it to Meeting. If so, you can just do it now and then return to importing in 2b and it should work.
You will be deleting it from Meeting later in Lab 2b. Is it possible you skipped ahead and do some of those steps already?
The only other explanation is that the field is there but the visibility is turned off but then it should still show up in Fields and Relationships, even if the visibility is turned off. It would only be hidden elsewhere, not in F & R.
I went to fields & relationships and contact Name is not listed.