I have followed all the steps closely for Lab 2b and this is the feedback I get when I try to grade it via Max Labs Grader. I have tried deleting the imported meeting info and re-importing it, but the Meeting ID numbers changed and I can't fix the to Meeting IDs 4-13. It suggests I make a whole new Salesforce account, but I'm not sure if I can fix it before resulting to that.

Yeah, it's not possible to change the IDs of records once they are set. So you will not be able to make that warning go away. But as it says, you won't lose points for that anyway, so if you don't want to get a new account and redo those prescribed parts of 1b and 2a. Then you can just continue as is but remember that the imported records should have been numbered Mtg-4 thru Mtg-13. So in the instructions, whenever you see a reference to a specific meeting ID, then you'll need to increase it by some number to be the right one for your account. So if you're imported Meetings start at Mtg-15 now, then just add 11 to what the instructions say. If they say "Mgt-07" then that would be Mtg-18 for you, etc. If you're careful, that can still work fine, ok?