I am having trouble with step 13 for max labs 2b. For some reason I cannot get the file to download when I drag it to the upload box. I have closed salesforce and retried but no luck. Any suggestions?
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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I just got it! Thank you for your help and I hope you have a great day.
Well, if you clicked on that link in Step 6 and downloaded the file that came up, you should have a file named MaxsMeetingDataFile.csv somewhere on your computer. So that's the file you should be dragging and dropping or finding by using the file chooser method.
If you didn't download successfully, then the file might be in the wrong format or essentially empty and so not able to be dragged or selected successfully.
Why don't you try emailing me the file as an attachment so I can see if you downloaded it properly. My email is tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com
I tried a different browser but that did not help. I'm not sure what file I would select considering the instructions just tell me to drag and drop.
Well, it might be a browser issue so you could try Firefox or some different browser.
But you could also try the file chooser method, rather than dragging & dropping. Try just clicking on the little CSV page/file icon and it should show a popup you can use to locate the file & select it, instead of dragging & dropping.
Let me know, ok?