I don't have the meeting record 10/7/19. The only record I have is Meeting 11.
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Ok, I accessed your account. All the Meeting records are there, including the 10/7/19 one you need now.
The listview you were looking at was Recently Viewed. Since you had only recently viewed the Mtg-011 Meeting recod, that was the only one showing in that listview. Back in Step 29, while you were looking at the All Meeting Data listview, you were supposed to pin it so that would be the one showing whenever you went to the Meetings tab. Somehow you missed that step so Recently Viewed was still pinned and that was what you were seeing.
So now, look toward the upper lefthand corner - it tells you what listview you're viewing and it's a drop-down menu that let's you choose other listviews. It's currently showing Recently Viewed. Click that, and choose All Meeting Data and you will then see all the records, including the 10/7 one. Then pin it by clicking the pin icon, so it will be what is showing whenever you go to the Meetings tab.
My pleasure
Oh ok. Thank you for your help.
Also, I just granted you accesss to my account.
Yeah I got the email to confirm that the meetings were successfully imported. The only meeting that appears is meeting 11.
Let me know when you've done them, ok?
Answer those questions first and then do these 3 steps so I can access your account and see what's going on:
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
Click My Personal Information (upper left) and then Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save
Well, the instructions are referring to the Meeting record with the date of 10/7/2019. It should have ID of Mtg-01. Are you saying you have only one Meeting record and it has an ID of Mtg-011?
Did you successfully import the 10 Meeting records back at the start of Lab 2b?