Hello, Im confused my file being uploaded. I don't know if the google drive link before uploading it was the problem. I repeat the steps but having same issue. On step 20 it says Records Processed: 10 & Records Failed: 0 but when i checked my Records Processed: 10 & Records Failed: 10.
- In step 28, i didn't find any option for Contact Name.
- In my side, there is only Mtg-01 to Mtg-03 , i am missing other data.
Could you please help me?
On the upper left, under Schema Builder, there's a menu for "View Options" and you had selected Display Element Names for some reason so SF was only showing you the internal names for the objects. Those internal names are like "Meetings__c" and for the Pitch object, the internal name is "Maxz_Pitch__c" so you needed to look under "M" instead of "P" in alphabetical order.
I accessed your account and changed that menu option to Display Element Labels. The labels are the human-readable names for objects so then they showed up as "Pitch" and "Meeting" and I added Pitch to your diagram and it looks perfect now.