Hi, I am working on Max Labs 2A and am stuck on step 30. This step has me select Meeting ID from 9/17/19 however I only have three meetings to chose from all of wich are from Julia Chavez that I created in a previous steps. I tried to problem solve using other peoples post however I was unable to solve it. In essence my question would be how do I get the other meeting iD's that I need for the upcoming steps. Below I have attached the picture of my screen.
Jack Onzik
Ok, so I think you must mean "2B" instead of "2A" and it looks like you didn't import the 10 new Meeting records successfully back in Steps 6-20. You need those to continue. Go back through those steps now and try again carefully, so that it works. If you're seeing error messages or warnings in SF, then screenap them and post here so I can help you, ok?