I am stuck on step 126 for lab 2B. I have read similar posts regarding this same issue but when going through the steps to fix the issue I happen to experience a separate issue. When going back to steps 83-84 after clicking next, next, next and then save my page stays loading for about 3 minutes and then I get a window showing time limit exceeded. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Awesome! You’re welcome!
Dr. Tim,
It worked perfectly, record 0001 and 0002 display properly.
Thank you!
Ah, right. Yes prevent cross-site scripting is now the default setting for Safari and it does cause problems in Salesforce, unfortunately. Good that you have turned it off now. As for the ID number for the Meeting Attendance record, I think you must have tried a few times with new Meeting Attendance records and with each new record the ID goes up by 1. And there’s now way to change that field once it has been assigned, unfortunately. But most instructors don’t care about the ID being exactly correct. But now that you have fixed the issue you were having , I think you could undelete the first records 0001and 0002 and they could work. You just go to App Launcher and select Recycle Bin and undelete those two records and then edit them as needed. But really, I doubt that you would lose any points if you just left it with the wrong ID numbers.
Ah, right. Yes prevent cross-site scripting is now the default setting for Safari and it does cause problems in Salesforce, unfortunately. Good that you have turned it off now. As for the ID number for the Meeting Attendance record, I think you must have tried a few times with new Meeting Attendance records and with each new record the ID goes up by 1. And there’s now way to change that field once it has been assigned, unfortunately. But most instructors don’t care about the ID being exactly correct. But now that you have fixed the issue you were having , I think you could undelete the first records 0001and 0002 and they could work. You just go to App Launcher and select Recycle Bin and undelete those two records and then edit them as needed. But really, I doubt that you would lose any points if you just left it with the wrong ID numbers.
Thank you for your response Dr. Tim,
I have been on the newer Lightning interface but every once in a while I get a message saying "We can't display this page because your browser blocks cross-domain cookies, but you can view this page in Salesforce Classic. Click here to open this page in Salesforce Classic." I think I figured out why, "I had prevent cross-site tracking" enabled. I'll go ahead and disable for now.
The problem I was experiencing was "Contact Name" was not appearing, just enthusiasm. I went ahead and fixed this by connecting correctly. When I was having issues I made a few more meeting ID's and kept deleting it, trying to get it right. Is there a way to get it to say:
Meeting Attendance ID
Rather than:
Meeting Attendance ID
Well, looking at your screencap, I see you are working in the older Classic interface rather than the new Lightning interface. You want to. be in Lightning because all the instructions are based on that. You can see a link on the upper right-ish that says "Switch to Lightning" so do that.
Still the timing error is very strange. Must be a temporary random issue with the network or something. I doubt you could repeat steps and get it again.
What is the issue you started with - the one with Step 126? Include a screencap of that, showing what seems wrong.