I followed the directions but after running the import it told me: Records Processed: 10 & Records Failed 10. Where as the directions state that it should show 10 & 0. I then ran the grader and the grader told be it was an error with assignment 1B. Can someone please help? This assignment is due tonight.
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
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Thank you so much! None failed.
Thank you! Do I just pick up where I left off with step 21?
Ah, ok. Did you get a warning when you graded 1b saying that your Pitch IDs were messed up and you needed to be sure to fix it before going on? I'm guessing that's what happened because if the Pitch IDs aren't right then the Meeting records you're importing can't find their corresponding Pitch records to match up with.
There's really no way to go back and change Pitch record IDs once they're messed up. You kind of have to redo some of 1b to get them right and then some of 2a to rebuild that stuff on them. The instructions for doing that are here:
I can take a look first to see if it's salvageable as is but I can't do that until this evening. If you want me to do that thendo these 3 steps so I can access your account and let me know when you've done them, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
On the left, under My Personal Information, click Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save