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Yeah, so that address field is being pulled from the Pitch record associated with the Meeting with ID = Mtg01, remember? That's what you were doing when you were creating those formula fields for Meeting Attendance. They became "virtual" fields of Meeting Attendance because they aren't stored there--their values are pulled from the corresponding records they are connected to.
So the address you're seeing there is being pulled from the Spray & Pray record in the Pitch object. You created it in Lab 2a. But you somehow missed Step 30 in 2a when you were supposed to change the address for that Pitch record to an address in Mountain View. Go back and do Step 30 from 2a and then the address you will see in the record you were showing in your screencap in this posting will be in Mountain View and it will show up properly in your list view.
Note - make sure you read and do every instruction to make the labs work properly. And you will only learn anything if you also read the sections in between the steps because that's where you understand what you're doing and why.