Initially I was having trouble on step 101. I couldn't see "emails" I tried to fix the problem and now it's worst. the instructions were not clear enough for me. Now I know something is wrong because under Object Manager I only see +New Object. I'm missing Meeting Attendance and Meeting. Can someone help please?
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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You're welcome. Glad it worked!
I just got out of work. Thank you so much!
Ok, I fixed a few things for you again so try again and let me know, ok?
Now, on step 122 I don't see Meetings. I do have Meeting Attendances on the tab but there is nothing on the drop down. When I select Meeting Attendances and New to add a new Meeting Attendance record step 124 tells me to click on Search Meeting, however, I don't see Search Meeting on the box, I see only, Search contacts and I don't want to type 01 on it bc I don't want to messed up further. What should I do?
You're just adding the one field, Contact. That's all. Then you can do the Steps later on where you got stuck looking for the Contact > Email field.
I deleted Contract. Now, I continued following the instructions from step 83
, however, I shouldn't have bc in step 86 I get an error saying "there is already a file named Enthusiasm on Meeting Attendance". At what step # should I pick up again to continue with the lab?
Ok, I logged into your account and undeleted Meeting and Meeting Attendance. They are there now.
And I saw the mistake you made. It was on Step 83 where you are adding a Lookup field on Contact to your Meeting Attendance object so they will be connected. The instructions say to be careful NOT to select Contract - with an "r" - because that is also an object in Salesforce but it is about Contract between to parties agreeing to something. It says to be sure to select "Contact" without the "r" because that for the Contact info for people. But you selected "Contract" with the "r" so that's why you weren't seeing the right thing showing later on.
Now just go into Object Manager > Meeting Attendance > Fields and Relationships and delete the Contract lookup field and add a Contact lookup field as described in Step 83.
I'm done with step 1,2,3.
Ok, do these 3 steps so I can access your account and see what's happening and fix it - let me know when you've done them, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
Click My Personal Information (upper left) and then Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save
Some how I deleted them. I clicked in the actual words and nothing happened. Previous to asking for help here, I tried to follow the FAQ instructions for the help I needed with step 101, "emails". It sent me to delete the contact name but It didn't specify where. That is where I messed up, I'm sure. How can I get Meeting Attendance and Meetings under Object Manager again? I'm hoping that by fixing this I can continue and finish the lab.
When you say that you only see +New Object under Object Manager, that is because you are clicking the down-arrow NEXT to "Object Manager". Click on the words "Object Manger" and it will open a list of all the objects. I'm sure you still have Meeting and Meeting Attendance if you didn't delete them.
As for Step 101, if you didn't see Email there, it's because you didn't do Step 83 properly. That is the step where you add a Lookup Field to Meeting Attendance that connects it to the Contact object. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting Attendance, Fields and Relationships and then click New and then do Step 83, 84 and 85 but, on 85 just click New at the end, not New and Save.
Then Step 101 will work.