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Thank you very much timhill9. You were right, and I missed understood the step. Take care!
I think you clicked on the magnifying glass to the right of the 01 that you typed. Don't do that, just click Enter. (Sorry. The instructions are confusing on this - they mean the other magnifying glass that appears after you type "01', not the one on the right. We are now updating the instructions to make this clearer from now on.)
Yes, I deleted the "Meeting_Attendance_ID__c", and I went to the next steps. Currently, I am on step 124, but I do not see the matching ID's that relate to "01." I attached another screenshoot to give you an idea of the problem.
Sure, np. And yeah, I suggest deleting the first one, the one that shows "Meeting_Attendance_ID__c, jus to keep it totally consistent with the instructions.
Hi timhill9, thank you very much for responding, and I tried it with the first Meeting Attendance that's why I created a new one. I am currently, in the first Meeting Attendance. I attached the screenshoot, so you can see it. Do you recommend deleting one of the Meeting Attendance ID since there is two or should I just continue with the relationship connections? Thank you again for your help.
I think it’s just bc you had another Meeting Attendance object and now this is the 2dn one? Anyway it will work as is—the way it shows in your screencap. The connection to Pitch and to Address within that is being made so your fine. Just go ahead.