I only started the lab and reached a problem with step 3. When I go to custom object tabs, click New and pull down the object menu, I don't have the "meeting" option.
because I didn't have that option, I created a meeting tab on my own but I don't think that was the right thing to do because when I get to step 12, I don't have the option "which pitch field in your file do you want to match against to set the pitch lookup field?"
idk what's going on.. help pls
Yeah so it sounds like you’re saying you haven’t done the previous labs and are just starting with 2b. That would explain why you didn’t see Meeting under the objects tab. The labs do build on each other so to do Lab 2b requires some work from 1b and 2a. Not everything from this mode needs to be done tho. At the top of the cover sheet it tells you what must be done before starting. Hope that helps. Let me know, ok?