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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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It's because you skipped Steps 1-4 of Lab 1b for some reason. In Steps 1-4 you are supposed to delete the Pitch object you made in Lab 1a so that you won't get it confused with the new one that got added when you installed Max's Pitch Package. Good that you caught it now, at least, before going on. If you chose the wrong one and continued, you would really mess things up.
Computers are very picky. Super-important to read the instructions, and the part between the instructions, carefully and do every step. There aren't any "extra" steps thrown in. Every single one is important and skipping any of them can cost you tons of time later on like now.
Ok so before you go on you need to go and delete the old Pitch object from 1a - that's assuming you have already graded Lab 1a. Don't delete it until you grade it! Alway grade every lab before you start the next one or you will delete/change stuff and the grader won't see it correctly anymore after that.
You can't delete the wrong one - the one from Max's Pitch Package. It won't let you. You want to go to the Object Manager and look at both on the list. The one that says "Pitch__c" in the 2nd column is the one you created in 1a and that's the one to delete, ok?