I’m stuck at step 65 of max lab 2a. Can you please help me find fields and relationship on this page?
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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So if you skipped an earlier step in Lab 1b, then when you're at Step 91 now, you may be seeing "Recently Viewed" in the upper left. I can't tell because you're not including screencaps to show me what you're seeing. But if that's the case then you should be able to click on that and pull down a menu of list views including Pitch Everything which is one you created in 1b. Pick that and then you can see all the Pitch records and find the one you're looking for with Spray and Pray as the Business Name.
When doing step 91, I opened the pitches tab and I cannot see the pitch ID spray and pray.
Yes, exactly. You already created it. Don't create a new one. Just fix whatever you think is wrong with the first one you created.
But why do you think anything is wrong anyway? Why are you going back and trying to undo/redo things? Tell me what you say that you thought was wrong in the first place and I can tell you how to fix it.
Well, the page you are showing is part of the process of creating a Meeting object. Only after one is created, then you can see the Fields and Relationships options to add one.
Why don't you explain what you think you did wrong before and then I can tell you how to fix it, ok?