I am incredibly confused on step 92 of Lab2a. I have tried doing the entire lab over again but still am encountering the same issue. The "Meetings (0)" is not showing up for me.
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Well, since your Pitch record shows no related lists, that means that somehow you didn't get your Meeting object coneected to your Pitch object. That is supposed to happen in Steps 65-73 when you add the lookup relatioship field named "Pitch" to your Meeting object.
If you added that field to the Pitch object instead of Meeting, then you connected Pitch to itself instead of connecting Meeting to Pitch.
Or it's possible you created the field properly in Meeting but you clicked through the Next, Next & Save screens quickly and didn't allow those pages to fully load and execute - one of them makes the field available for use - so if it didn't get a chance to do that, then the field is there but not usable.
So first check the Meeting object to see if there is a field named Pitch in it. If not, then you need to add it using those steps, 65-73. If it's there already, then it's not usuable and you could delete it and it using those steps.
Let me know, ok?