I was working on 2A when I ran in to an issue on step 74. I am almost sertain I completed steps above (steps 68 to 73) correctly, however I was a little confused on what steps I needed to complete. I started to look around the website a little and I think I am on a completely separate page of the website then where I am supposed to be. I am on the meeting page (in the photo attached) and am looking how to get to whatever page I need to be on for step 24 of 2A. In essence my question would be, where and how do I get to where I need to be for step 74?
Ok, np. You're in the right place in your screencap. You're going to be adding fields to Meeting. To start off, just click New and then continue with Step 74, adding fields like you did before with Pitch, back in Lab 1a, right?