Yesterday, I don't know where I messed up with my MaxLab somewhere because as I proceed with the instructions, things were not lining up. I tried to retrace my steps from the beginning but I can't seem to pinpoint exactly what the problem is. However, I do have an idea, I possibly could have not linked my Pitch with Meeting properly. There are some steps where it would tell me to do one thing, but I would not see the option available on my screen. For instance, on step 71, it says "Click the checkbox to Always require a value in this field in order to save a record." I don't see it. The couple of steps prior were just fine. Attached, is a screenshot of my screen. Please assist me as to what to do, I've been trying to figure out since last night what went wrong it's been like 6 hours of my time.

Oh, good! I'm glad it worked. Happy to help. My pleasure.
Hope the rest goes smoothly for you and you wind up feeling like you've learned a lot and enjoyed the experience. Cheers!
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I got everything taken care of :) thank you so much for assisting me
Oh, sure, Tanya. Happy to help. My pleasure.
As for your Meeting IDs, your instructor shouldn't penalize you for this. You did all the steps and got everything to work so that's what counts.
But there will be a slight complication when you go on to the next lab, 2b. Then you will be importing some more Meeting records and they will be getting IDs starting with 6 instead of 3. That's ok, but at certain points, it will talk about Mtg-07 or something. You just remember to add 3 in your mind, so you will read it as Mtg-10 for your data, you see? Then it should be fine but if you run into confusion with that just let me know, ok?
I can't thank you enough, I finished the lab smoothly and everything fell into place. Thank you so so much. Just one additional question. Is it alright if the meeting ID differs from the one in the example? It's just because I had to retry this three different times and I can't manually change the numerical value of the meeting ID. It's supposed to be -01,-02,03 but mine are -03,-04,-05. Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for helping me.
Well I can see in your screencap that you're in the Pitch object, trying to add a relationhship but you're supposed to be in the Meeting object. You created the Meeting object in Steps 55-64 and then you're supposed to continue working it by adding a relationship field to Meeting that connects it to Pitch.
Got to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting and then Fields & Relationships and pick up with Step 65.
Let me know, ok?