I believe I possibly deleted fields in 2b. I'm not sure if something is lost or not. It also seems like I'm missing options when I create a new pitch. I'm super lost. I completed 1a and b nearly perfect but something went wrong in 2a. I was also told by my ITA to redo max labs 1a and b and it think it screwed things up more. I'm not sure where to start.
Thank you.
Oh, awesome! Ok, so just start with Step 5 of Lab 1b and then go until you hit Step 36 and stop there and then go to Step 1 of 2a and go from there. Just sent you the new promo code.
Ok, now I am in my new account. Thank you. Where do I go from here? Do I begin from 1a or can I go back to 1b where I put in my pitch with the promo code(step 5 of 1b)?
This is really unfortunate. Now I am having trouble creating a new account. Salesforce won't allow me to create a password. I'm trying to verify my account currently. I tried resetting my password but it puts me in a loop.
I must of misunderstood you comment from last night. I didn't know how to get out of my old account and start a new one. I started earlier today at step 5 of 1b but I was still in the old account.
Ok I understand
Just to be sure. Does this mean I start back at 1a because of the new account?
How do I switch out of the old account? Can I delete the old accounts?
I think i'm in the wrong account. But I created a new one.
Ok, Sheridan, do you mean not all of the fields are showing up the same was as in the screencap in the instructions?
Can you embed a screencap to show me what's wrong? (Just click the camera icon in the posting to add a pic.)
Hi Dr. Tim,
I'm on step 19 of 2a and I don't have all the categories I need for this step. I completed all the steps you told me to do prior.
Thank you! Sending you an email now.
I have a grade certificate for 1a and 1b. I'm sorry, I meant 2a not 2b. I was on 2a, ran into issues and started over. Did not complete 2a.
Thank you
Sure, Sheridan. No worries. So let's make sure I understand where you're at right now. Which labs have you already gotten/submitted a grade certificate for at this point? I assume 1a, 1b and 2a? And you're trying to get 2b done but you ran into trouble and started redoing stuff? Let me know if that's all accurate ok?
Generally you don't need or want to start redoing stuff in the same account. You want to get a fresh new account. And if you're up to 2b, you don't need to start again at 1a. You only need to do part of 1b and part of 2a and then you can start fresh with 2b. If you want to do that, I can help and also set it up so you don't have to pay again in Lab 1b. You can email me at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com and we'll get you going again and all caught up, ok? It'll be fine!