When completing lab 2a, I made an error when testing my > 100% validation rule. Essentially, the error created a record that is unnecessary, and likewise a pitch ID that is not recoverable. I deleted the record permanently, thinking that would resolve the problem with the pitch ID for the record anchoring the grader in lab 2a. I was mistaken. The pitch ID for the record containing an $800,000 investment amount is identified by P-013 now instead of P-012. I ran the grader when I had finished the lab. The only errors I had were messages saying they could not find a pitch ID in the certain view that had the necessary data. I looked into the errors, confirmed that I had not made an error in the details, and realized the pitch ID may be a crucial error here. How can I correct this problem??
Thank you,
Connor Maurer
It has been done.
I must also add, I tried to reallocate the information for the final record entry into the record with the pitch ID p-012, so that is why data in those records is identical. I tried to also replicate the meeting records to the record with p-012, only to realize I would have the same problem there.