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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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I can Zoom if you want but if you just email me at I can give you clear instructions that I have already prepared for such cases. And I can send you a new promo code.
I messed it up completely.
What is the first step?
OK. I trust you.
Can we set up a Zoom call?
Yeah, those got deleted when you did later steps so now it's kind of messed up. Starting over is not that hard.
What is your email address?
I did not see your previous post. What is the best way to solve the issue?
Yes, you are right.
I tried many times but contact name, mobile, email, comments are still missing.
Ok, that's fine but I wrote the labs and have been troubleshooting them for many years and it sounds to me like it would be way easier to start over and catch up than to try to redo what you've partially undone at this point. Up to you, tho.
Yes, I tried to work with my existing account.
Well, it would only disappear if you deleted it. It is possible to restore it, though. Go to the App Launcher and select Recycle Bin and it will show you deleted records and let you select & restore them.
But I responded to your earlier post and suggested you email me so you could start over with a fresh account. But you never emailed me. Are you going to continue trying to work with your existing account?