Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
post in the right category
explain the problem clearly
Ok thanks. I’m on a flight that is landing now so it’ll be another hour before I can get home and look at it now. Sorry. I’ll do it as soon as I get back.
Im pretty sure i made a meetings taba and I dont remeber deleting it by mistake. I will go do those 3 steps now thank you !
yes when I do that i only have macro, messaging ession and messaging user
when i go to my object manager i dont see a meetings tab
Yeah, so that screencap tells me that you somehow didn't get the Meeting object connected to the Pitch object. That was supposed to happen in Steps 65-73 where you add a Pitch field to the Meeting object and make it a Lookup relationship field that is "Related To" the Pitch object.
Go to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting > Fields and Relationships and if there is already a Pitch field there, delete it and then re-creating it using Steps 65-73 (but in 73, just Save rather than Save & Next.)
Then skip to Step 91 and as you go from there, you should see the correct screen for Related.
Let me know, ok?