I reached the step 53
53. Click on your Pitches tab & then click the list view drop-down on the upper left that says Pitch Everything (or Recently Viewed) and select Seeing Triple 54. For each of the records from the first two meetings, ($600,000 and $750,000), click on the down-arrow on the far right and, on the popup, click the blue Delete
But whenever I clicked on seeing triple it does not disclose any information so I can not move to the next steps. could you help please?
Ok, do these 3 steps so I can access your account and I'll take a look. Let me know when you've done them, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
On the left, under My Personal Information, click Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save