Step 7-8 directions is: "On the left one, Pitch > should be selected/ highlighted already. That brings up Pitch fields on the right, so you can choose the one you want to make the rule about. Pick Equity Percentage and you’ll see a box pop up confirming your choice." However, I do NOT see an option that shows Equity Percentage. Please help.
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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From what I can see in your screencaps, you are selecting the wrong Pitch object. The one you're working with might be the one you made in Lab 1a that you were supposed to delete in the first 4 steps of 1b. But even so, it should have had Equity Percentage in it - maybe you skipped the steps to add that field? And also skipped the first 4 steps of Lab 1b where you were supposed to delete the whole object?
The reason you were supposed to delete the one from Lab 1a was so you wouldn't confuse it with the one that gets added as part of Max's Pitch Package when you install it during Lab 1b. That one, the one from Max's Pitch Package, is the one you're supposed to be working with now in 2a and it definitely will have the Equity Percentage field showing up when you do Step 8.
If you skipped the steps to install Max's Pitch Package in Lab 1b, you'll need to do those now - in fact, as the cover sheet of 2a says, you'll need to do at least Steps 5-36 of 1b before starting 2a. And if you had skipped Steps 1-4 of 1b, you need to do those steps now so you won't keep getting the two Pitch objects confused. That will lead to big trouble.
Note that computers are super-picky. To make this stuff work, you can't skip ANY steps and you have to get each one exactly right, ok? So take your time to make certain so that you don't wind up having to fix problems and taking way longer in the end, ok?