Hi, this is the correct screen shot of the problem I had encountered yesterday. I tried to use the back button to correct the issue and I tried to cancel, and start again but the error shows the same. So once again how do I fix this without stating over?

Ok, so do exactly what I said to do in my last post. Here it is again:
"go to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting and click the down arrow on the right to delete it and then create a new one once the old one is gone"
It says the object already exists which means you already created an object called "Meeting". You can't have two objects with the same name so it won't let you create another one with the same name. What was wrong with the one you created? Why are you trying to create it again? Just use the one you have or go to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting and click the down arrow on the right to delete it and then create a new one once the old one is gone.