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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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My guess is that you must have imported the Pitch records a couple of times so your Pitch ID numbers got elevated. There's no easy way to fix that without redo-ing a bunch of stuff but you don't really need to. As long as you added your three Meeting records to P-024 and they have IDs of Mtg-01, Mtg-02 and Mtg-03, you should be ok for Lab 2b.
Resolved but I got p-024 instead of p-012?? not sure why?
Yeah, unfortunately computers are super-picky so you have to make sure you do every instruction and get each one right or things don't work.
I'm not really sure what you mean when you say things mentioned don't show up at Step 91 except for Pitch ID. Do you mean you can't see the Business Name column for the PItch records? If so, try clicking the Pitches tab and then clicking change the Recently Viewed list view (upper left) to Pitch Everything so you can see all the Pitch records and all the columns for each. Then you should be able to find the Spray & Pray one.
Let me know, ok?