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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
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Ok thank I'll make sure to do so. you so much for your help!
OK I have done those steps.
Yes I figured out the mistake I had to delete it and do it over again. I must have put save to fast.
I did that there is more columns know but my last problem is that the comment column doesn't appear.
I was able to delete it. When I went on to steps 92-113. I saw some things that didn't appear on my screen like the comment section for steps 95 ,104, and 109. I kept going and my chart looks different than within the check point.
Ok, good but yes, you may have added all those other ones there too, like Contact Name so there may be two fields with the same name for a bunch of them now in Pitch. It's good to delete them but just make sure you are deleting the ones you added just now, not the ones that were there before, ok?
When you click on a field, it will show their Field Label which is what you see and it will also show their Field Name which is what Salesforce uses internally. The ones you added will show up like "Meeting_Date__c". The ones that are supposed to be there have "Maxz__" at the start, like "Maxz__Meeting_Date__c". If two have the same Field Label but one has "Maxz__" at the start, delete the one that does NOT have "Maxz__" at the start. Make sense? Hope so.
Let me know, ok?
thank you this was helpful. Would you be able to help me on step 83. Meeting Date is not showing up under available fields.
Just to to Setup > Object Manager > Meeting and then Fields & Relationships should be on the left-hand vertical menu.
Let me know, ok?
I completed steps 55-64. But I was unable to locate the Fields and Relationships tab. How would I be able to return to the page needed to locate this tab (step 65)?