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I finally finished, I appreciate all your help Dr.Tim! Thank you so much.
Well, you could fix it if you want to. That would involve deleting your meeting object and then starting up again at step 55 and going to the end. Do you want to do that?
Is there any way of fixing it or I would just have to work with the numbers I have?
Yes it’s important to follow them exactly. You only skipped a few and did a few wrong and it messed things up a lot so just make sure from now on that you follow each and every one exactly and then you will have zero problems, ok? Maybe try printing the instructions and crossing off each step as you do it. If every step is followed, everything works fine. You just have to read and be exact, ok? Then they will be easy and be completed more quickly.
The labs are getting more confusing because I follow the steps and there are so many mistakes. This is my first time working with Salesforce.
Why when it has been deleted?
I trying to fix the last mistake but don't know how. I pressed clone but it added a fourth id.
For the other 2 errors, you just need to open Pitch P-013 and then the Related tab and then choose Mtg-02 and fill in the empty fields for Meeting Date and Contact name and Save.
Then do that for Mtg-03 but you only have to fill in the name for that one and then Save and then regrade.
Ok, hang on.
This is what it is telling me in the grader. I'm going step by step but there is no meeting date for the first one. Sorry I'm trying to fix all the mistakes so I can move on to the next lab.
So I'm following the grader instructions and there is no Meeting Date, How do I correct this if there is nothing listed as Meeting Date?
Okay, so the date is missing on the 2nd and 3rd ones?
Okay. I fixed the mistakes and I don't know why it is showing up again. Can you please check that for me? I really appreciate it.
Granted access! Thank you so much Dr. Tim.
Yeah, I could tell you followed the steps pretty closely - just that extra Pitch record you added is what messed up your Pitch ID numbering and it sounds like that's confusing the grader but I can get that fixed for you now. I tried getting back into your account to do that now but it looks like you removed my access. If you want me to fix the grader issues, add that access back for me and let me know when it's ready, ok?
It looks like it had to be P-012 because when I continued and ran the grader I don't have 3 meeting records. I'm so confused because I followed all the steps closely.
Oh, great! Good work! Happy to help. 🙂
Nevermind, I found it! Thank you so much Dr.Tim for your help.
oh ok. Thank you for checking. So I left off on step 93 but don't know how to get back. I don't see the pitch ids.