Apparently a Custom Object called "Meeting" was made back in Lab 1b (as shown in the screen capture, I only have Pitches handy), but I don't have such a Custom Object so I can't do frankly anything with the Lab. I've reviewed Lab 1b to the best of my ability but I can't work out where I went wrong.
How can I make a Custom Object for Meetings that will suit my needs for Lab 2a so I can actually do the work?
Actually, you create your Meeting Object in Lab 2a. If you didn't do 2a, then you need to do part of it, at least.
If you did all of Lab 1b, and you don't want to do all of 2a, then you can just do Steps 54-87 of 2a, then
create a new pitch record with the values shown in the screen cap after 2a: Step 88 (but the record number will be P-010 instead of P-012 - that’s ok) and then do 2a: Steps 89-109
Then you'll be able to do Lab 2b.