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thank you so much for your help today:)
Ok, good. Yeah, the instructions assume that your imported records will be Mtg-04 thru Mtg-013. But yours will be Mtg-05 thru Mtg-014. So you just have make sure you read any references to Mtg ID as one higher in your account than what they say in the instructions.
So now it says 02,03,04 instead of 01,02,03
For step 101, it is supposed to say meeting 1 and mine doesn’t 😩 is that going to affect my grade
Okay! Thank you so much for relieving all of this stress I have had today about this lab😩
Ok, so you're not on the right screen for adding a Meeting record to go with a Pitch record. You were supposed to restart with Step 91 after you fixed the Meeting Date field data type. Got to Step 91 and follow each step carefully. If you follow every step exactly and carefully, everything will work right the first time and save you tons of time fixing stuff later.
And also when I told you to delete Meeting Date and remake it using the Date data type, you recreated it as "Pitch Date". So delete it again and recreate it as "Meeting Date" with data type = Date. And then restart at Step 91, ok?
I also have another question. For P-015 it won’t let me add comments either
Okay! Thank you
No. I forgot to do the drop down. It should work now
The system is not showing I have access. Did you select The Max Labs Project Support in that Step 3 I gave you?
I did them!
Yeah, the Pitch ID issue is ok. I'll let you know how to deal with that. But for now, we need to fix the Meeting Date issue so do those 3 steps I gave you and let me know when you've done them, ok?
So I got to this step earlier today and thought I did something wrong so I went ahead and deleted P-010, P-011, and P-012 from the recycling bin as well and now I can’t access P-012 which has messed up a lot of things and now I when I went ahead and redid everything it got me to P-015
Yeah, that doesn't look right but I'm not sure what's causing it. I do see that you're on Pitch P-015 which isn't quite right. It should be P-012 so your Pitch IDs are a bit off but that might be ok. Either way it will affect how you do Lab 2b - we can talk about that later. But first let's fix this issue with Meeting Date. It's not related to the P-015 issue.
Please do these 3 steps so I can access your account and I'll take a look. Let me know when you've done them, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
On the left, under My Personal Information, click Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save