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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Well you will need to go back into the Pitch Layout and add them back in. Basically like you did in Lab 1a when you edited the Pitch Layout there. You can drag them from the top of the Layout panel down into the layout itself and be sure to click Save like you did in 1a after you moved things around in the layout. Then the locks will go away and those fields will display and be editable again.
But then to get the last deliverable, you'll need to remove them again as in Steps 87-90.
Yes I am trying to redo the assignment for re-submission. When I took a screenshot I did not have my name on the screenshot. Now every-time I try to add the comments or the date I see a little lock symbol
Sorry, I don't understand your question. Comments and Pitch Date are already part of Pitch when you install Max's Pitch Package into your account at the start of Lab 1b. But then in 2a, in Steps 87-90, you are "hiding" them by taking them out of the Pitch layout because you have created the Meeting object and put them in there where they belong. So why are you now trying to put them back (or rather unhide them) in Pitch? Are you trying to redo the assignment for some reason?