I'm not sure what happened but I cannot see any of the previous pitches, only the 3 i recently created

Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
post in the right category
explain the problem clearly
Hah, thanks & don't worry, I wrote the labs and have looked at them 10,000 times and people still point out typos all the time.
Anyway, looks good now except for the missing addresses - not sure how that happened either. But yes, easy to just edit those in place to fill them back in.
Hopefully the rest is smooth for you but post back again if you run into any more snags.
You are awesome. You know how many times I have double checked to make sure my filters were correct? I need a vacation. So this is what it looks like now. For the missing address for first two pitches I should be able to edit right in there correct (the pencil icon thingy?) Not sure how ate the addresses up! Many Thanks
Ok, I accessed your account and I can see you set the filter for that listview to show records where the Address field contains "Spray". It's supposed to be set to show records where the Business Name contains "Spray".
To fix, view that listview again and then click the little blue filter icon on the far right and you'll see the panel that shows your seetting of "Address contains Spray". Click on that and you'll. be able to edit the filter settings and correct it. Then it will work.
Ok so do these 3 steps so I can access your account and see what's going on but let me know when you've done them, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
Click My Personal Information (upper left) and then Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save
Hey There....After step 51 I should have 3 data set showing for Spray & Pray under "Seeing Triple" but for some reasons I have the appropriate headings but no data is showing. Any promos assistance/help would be appreciated.
Sure, np!
perfect, thanks
Yeah, no worries. When you're viewing your new list view, you can click that little lower gear again and choose Select Fields to Display and then just move over whichever ones you want from the Available Fields box to the Visible Fields box and click Save, like you did in the last lab, 1b.
Also, I think my previous data had different columns but now the only thing that shows up is pitch id... not sure
Thanks for the fast assistance
Perfect. Ok, thanks for letting me know. Hope the rest is smooth for you!
Thanks, that worked.
Ok so somehow you deleted the All listview that is normally there by default in any new object. That's ok. It's easy to fix. Just click that little gear icon - NOT the bigger one all the way at the top - the little one below and then select New from the menu. Then give it the name All and autofill the rest and Save. That listview will not be filtered at all so it will show all your records. And then it will be available to you from the drop-down behind Recently Viewed.
Let me know, ok?
I only have the list recently viewed, there's no drop down
See where it says "Recently Viewed" in the upper left? Those are not all the Pitch records - only the few that you have accessed most recently. If you click on Recently Viewed you should get a drop-down where you can select "All" to see all the records.
Let me know, ok?