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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Well, those fields should have been added during Steps 80-86 and then saved in Step 90. Are you sure you did those steps? Do Steps 80-83 again now and see if those fields are showing up in the Selected Fields list as described in Step 83. If not, then move them over to it.
If they are there in the Selected Fields list already then it may be that their visibility got set to Off by clicking through Next, Next & Save too quickly when you were creating them. If that's the case, I can tell you how to fix it.
Check it out and let me know, ok?
I cannot see the comments tab, meeting date tab and the enthusiasm tab
Ok Dr I found it.
Well, by your screencap, you're not looking in the right place. The Related tab shows up when you have opened up a specific record and you're looking for the Meeting records that go with it.
From where you are in the screencap, change the listview from Recently Viewed (upper left) to Pitch Everything so you can see all your Pitch records listed. Then, click on the Pitch ID for the one Spray & Pray record that's left so you open it up and see all its details (that's Step 91). Then you should see the related tab.
Let me know, ok?
I did it again and i'm still not able to find the related or the detail tab.
You must have messed up something in Steps 65-73. That's where you connect the Meeting object to the Pitch object. Go back into your Meeting object, delete the field named Pitch and then redo Steps 65-73 and then the tab should show properly in Step 92.