First, the Pitch object disappeared when I was done step 36 (I logged off and on again... no object). I am sure I managed to delete. I could not find the recycle (perhaps I should have asked sooner). I build a new Pitch object, the records appeared. Now I have two Pitch Tabs. One empty, one with records. Should I delete the empty (and if so, how so). Thanks.
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
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Awesome, Mary! Hope it's smooth from here on out but post again if you run into any more snags. Cheers!
Perfect! Thanks for all the help. Back on track now!
Oh, right. So normally you would be looking at the "Recently Viewed" list view at that point. Then the Import button would be showing.
I can see in your screencap that you're on the "All" list view. Look in the upper left, under Marketing and under Pitches, you'll see "All" and a down-arrow. Just click on "All" or the down-arrow and that will drop down a menu and then select "Recently Viewed". Then it will show the Import button.
Let me know, ok?
Thanks! I did have two pitches and kept the Maxz_Pitch_c. In trying to import file step 24, the Import (upper right, between New and Change Owner) is not there (see attached). Not sure what to do next! Thanks.
Ok, so Mary, at the start of 1b, you delete the Pitch object that you created in 1a. Then, when you install Max's Pitch Package, a new Pitch object is put into your account. So you shouldn't have needed to create a new one. You can delete that one using the Object Manager (in Setup model) but just make sure you are deleting the one you created, not the one from Max's Pitch Package. The one to keep will say "Maxz__Pitch__c" in the 2nd column next to the Pitch object name.
Then make sure the remaining one has the records in it. If so, just go on. If not, then just redo the import instructions to get the records into that one.
Give that a try and let me know, ok? Good luck!